Whitney Graves

Professional Title: Teacher

Class Year: 2011

Major: Business Management

Location: Charlotte, NC

Education Experience: 9 years

Please share your experience working with students during the pandemic?

This is one of the most rewarding yet challenging times of my career. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to work during this time. I am working from home which means my students have to log on zoom during our scheduled class meeting time. That is where the challenges begin. Technology alone is an obstacle, so once I added a classroom full of high schoolers to the mix things became hectic. I raised the bar of their expectations during a time that many of their families are experiencing difficult times or house is filled with other online learners or parents that work from home which cause a lot of confusion and lag time on the internet. Teaching from an online setting is hard because you want to make sure students understand what is being presented to them so you spend a lot of time making sure students are grasping the material being taught. This has created a beautiful chaos. I use the term beautiful because no matter what I have experienced during this trying time I am reminded daily “we are in this together” Viking Strong -Ms. Graves 

What advice would you give to people during this pandemic?

My advice to people during this pandemic is to remain patience and stay focused. Utilize this time to set goals to stay aligned to continue to be your best self.

One thought on “Whitney Graves

  1. We’ve been through tough times before. Voting recently was one of them and we were successful. Hang in there, we have a special person who makes all things possible. ” We can do all things through him.”

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