Professional Title: CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist)
Class Year: 1975
Major: Nursing
Location: Lexington, NC
Education Experience: 43 years
Please share your experience working with students during the pandemic?
I work in OR putting administering anesthesia. We advocate patients who have altered mental status via drug administration. Shared with students that I have worn masks for 43 years. However, they are challenged with N95 masks entire protective gear which poses great challenges to them & causes added fear to patients. However, we must allay anxieties & adapt our service to provide optimum patient care. Students have shown amazing resilience, adaptability, courage, and a thirst to learn during this pandemic. I am so very proud of them.
What advice would you give to people during this pandemic?
Follow CDC guidelines. Practice 3 W’s – Wear Masks, Wash Hands & Watch your distance. The life you save maybe someone you love.