Kawanna Foster

Kawanna Foster

Professional Title: ICU Registered Nurse

Class Year: 2012

Major: Nursing

Location: Los Angeles, Calif.

Medical Experience: Eight years

Please share your experience working with patients diagnosed with COVID-19

For about two weeks, I was working with patients in the ICU. Most on ventilators fighting for their life. My hospital in the beginning just was treating everything with regular protocol. However, over a couple of days, we have seen more patients become sick. Also,  as the CDC makes changes, so does the hospital.

We started getting our temperature checked before we walked into the hospital. We changed our visitor policy to no visitors. We put all the COVID-19 patients on specific units. When we come in we change our scrubs in a specific area. And change back at the end of the day. We have UV lights to help clean as well. After two weeks, I was put on a special team in which I helped to start and work outside in the parking lot out of a tent to test people for COVID-19. The patient drives through and we swab them. Here in LA things are not that bad but in the first weeks of March I was working 10-12 days in a row, sometimes 14-18 hour shifts. Every day is scary. I literally pray and ask God to cover me more than ever. I work by faith each day. We do have PPE, it’s sufficient. However, they have made changes with that as well. It used to be use your N95 mask one time then trash it. Now we can keep masks and change every 4 hours. Things are changing every day and week. Praying for all healthcare professionals.

What advice would you give to people during this pandemic?

For one, please stay home. I went to Walmart one day after work because I needed eggs and there were so many people I just walked right back out. Please stay Home, stay hydrated, watch who you have coming over. People can be a host and have absolutely no symptoms but give it to someone else. If you feel sick don’t rush to the hospital, if your symptoms are manageable. Call your PCP for suggestions or call your states hotline. Have patience with essential workers not just health care workers but people at the grocery store and gas station. We are scared coming into work each day. So a “thank you” or a smile is appreciated. And remember we will get through this.

3 thoughts on “Kawanna Foster

  1. Your courage in the face of this virus is a source of great Aggie Pride. I am so grateful for your dedication and compassion. Stay strong and know that you work is deeply appreciated.

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