Branlyn Mosby

Professional Title: Science Teacher

Class Year: 2008 and 2016

Major: Bachelors in Biology and Masters in Adult Education

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Education Experience: 10 years

Please share your experience working with students during the pandemic?

Living abroad has been one of the best choices I have ever made. When the pandemic hit it became a choice filled with uncertainty. Being 7,000 miles away from home, away from family and friends has come with its burdens to bear. The experience I have had, has been one of an emotional roller coaster. In March, they moved up our spring break and sent us home to prepare for a short term version of distance learning. For what was a planned two weeks of distance learning, became 12 weeks we were working from home. During this time we were on a national curfew that came with hefty fines if caught outside your home between the hours of 8 p.m. – 6 a.m. All stores were closed, groceries had to be ordered online, and I went weeks without stepping outside in the beginning. Finding ways to stay positive for myself and the students became a new found section in my education tool box. The school year has begun and we are on blended learning. It is nerve racking to know the more people I come in contact with increase my chances of contracting COVID-19. And while nervous, I have accepted my role. My heart felt the fullest it has in a while to see familiar faces of students back in school. While we are not operating a full capacity, I have appreciated being in one-on-one classes and educating students in person and at home through our blended learning model. It has stretched me in ways I never imagined possible. Also, I am looking forward to returning to the United States for the winter as it will be almost a year since I have been able to travel home to see family and friends. I am grateful for technology as it has been a savior to maintain a familial presence in such times.

What advice would you give to people during this pandemic?

My advice- stay active, not just physically but mentally. Meditate, pray, and carve out time in the day to just breathe. Explore the world through a new lens. While things aren’t the “same” there still are new experiences to be had.

2 thoughts on “Branlyn Mosby

  1. Hello and the best of luck to you. I have a niece living in Abu Dhabi, if you run into Tiffany Griggs or her husband, Brian give them my love. Teachers like yourself and my relatives are the best hope for our future. Children need role models that look like them who exhibit curiosity to explore new frontiers/spaces that they have never thought about. Be safe over there and stay positive. You are admired for your adventurous spirit and your Aggie Spirit. Aggie Pride!!!

  2. I pray that Branlyn gets this message!!
    I am super proud of her resilience during her stay in another country but not suprised because she was always forward thinking even in undergrad. I saw her last during homecoming a few years ago at a program and regret that our visit was so short . All the best Branlyn…with much love , admiration, and best wishes always!!!!
    Dr. Judy Rashid

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