Keeona Gantt

Professional Title: Licensed Practical Nurse

Class Year: 2016

Major: Psychology

Location: Pleasant, N.C.

Medical Experience: One year and nine months

Please share your experience working with patients diagnosed with COVID-19

I work in a skilled nursing facility, and I became ill and had to self-quarantine for 14 days. While I was self-quarantining more residents and employees became sick. Then my employer began testing and many residents and employees tested positive. I’m currently back at work, working alongside my coworkers who are or were also ill. We are battling COVID-19 at the nursing facility with 22 sick residents 24/7.

What advice would you give to people during this pandemic?

Stay home and stay safe.

Follow the CDC recommendations.

It can happen to you!

6 thoughts on “Keeona Gantt

  1. God bless you. Stay safe. You are important. Many times we nurses forget others while taking care of others Educate people around you. It can happen.

  2. Your courage in the face of this virus is a source of great Aggie Pride. I am so grateful for your dedication and compassion. Stay strong and know that your work is deeply appreciated.

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