Brittney Mitchell

Professional Title: Middle School Math Teacher

Class Year: 2015

Major: Criminal Justice

Location: Charlotte, NC

Education Experience: 4 years

Please share your experience working with students during the pandemic?

Teaching during the pandemic has been the most stressful thing in the world. At first when we went virtual back in March I thought it was manageable but as COVID got worse and I realized that this virtual learning was going to go into the next school year, it really made me take a step back and look at what I was getting myself into. I’ve heard so many people tell me that I should be happy to work from home and treat it as a vacation but it’s not vacation. It’s not fun. I teach one of the most unpopular subjects, Math, to a group of 13 and 14 year old. It’s hard trying to deliver a lesson to students while keeping them engaged when you can’t see or hear them most times. On top of that, you’re being asked to do the impossible by your Administrators. It’s bittersweet because I definitely miss being able to see my students and interact with them in person but at the same time I am not ready to go into the classroom next month. I know by me going back into the classroom, I am risking my physical health, mental health, and my entire life just to be able to teach my students. So then I ask myself, is teaching really worth it?

What advice would you give to people during this pandemic?

If you have kids who are attending school virtually, please understand that the teachers are indeed overwhelmed but they are doing everything in their power to make sure your child is getting the best education despite this pandemic. We are just as tired as the next. And to my fellow teachers….TAKE YOUR MENTAL HEALTH DAYS!!!!This is serious. Wear your masks and practice social distancing.