Shawnda Warren-Coates

Professional Title: Renal Dietitian

Class Year: 1995

Major: Foods & Nutrition (M.S.)

Location: Greensboro, N.C.

Medical Experience: 24 years

Please share your experience working with patients diagnosed with COVID-19

As a part of the medical team, Dietitians are essential to ensuring that nutrition is delivered in the safest way for each patient. Assessing the nutritional demands of the patients taking into account their renal status and other underlying medical conditions that our patients will have. Our goal is to ensure the patient receives the right amount of nutrition to aid recovery from their acute illness and to support their ongoing rehab when they recover.

What advice would you give to people during this pandemic?

Staying healthy by eating a variety of foods and incorporating physical activity daily. Limit the number of times you go to the grocery store. Take advantage of grocery delivery or curbside pickup services. Be mindful of those around you and stay at least six feet away from others at all times.

2 thoughts on “Shawnda Warren-Coates

  1. I am so grateful for your dedication and compassion. Stay strong and know that your work is deeply appreciated.

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