Nicole Swinson

Professional Title: Duplin County EFNEP- Nutrition Educator

Class Year: 2014 and 2020

Major: B.S in Liberal Studies and M.S in Agricultural Education

Location: Duplin County

Education Experience: 6 years

Please share your experience working with students during the pandemic?

Immediately when the pandemic began to spread throughout the counties and states, educators like myself began to search for solutions as to how to continue to reach our underserved populations. With the support of North Carolina A&T and the North Carolina State Extension, we were able to create virtual platforms that allowed our families to continue to move more and eat smart. Reaching youth and families through education is our mission. As educators we work together to assist in buildings strong and healthy families.

What advice would you give to people during this pandemic?

Have patience with yourself. Know your students are just as excited to see you as you are them.