Sharon Jacobs

Professional Title: Administrator

Class Year: 1996 and 2006

Major: Elementary Ed and School Administration

Location: Greensboro, NC

Education Experience: 25 years

Please share your experience working with students during the pandemic?             

Reflecting on the moments I have had with students and processing the opportunity to interact with them initially was bittersweet, we missed them but knew we all needed to be safe. Back in March when we first closed schools, it was extremely tough. Students were logging in at times there was no class just to speak to staff. I could go on about that shift, it was devastating for many then and remains a concern for some currently.

Attempting to get all of them logged on to the social virtual platform for us to teach them and to stay engaged has been the majority of my work since last March. Attending to students social and emotional needs has become an even greater priority as well as helping field questions parents have had during this time to ensure as we consider reopening and the beginning stages that our protocols are safe, that we’re doing everything we can to eliminate exposures, and maintain a safe environment. As an administrator, I do a lot of planning and thinking through systems and processes and protocols to train staff and communicate with our school community. As Pre-K and kindergarteners have started back on a voluntary basis, my interaction has been minimal physically but tremendous behind-the-scenes planning, revising planning, and executing. I am on the front lines as far as helping established building entry and safety processes for students and teachers as well as maintaining records and following protocols for health and safety guidelines, ensuring that our building is up to par for student return. Currently I served as the liaison at our school to receive parent concerns and address them in a timely manner. Although these are not direct conversations with student everyday it definitely has an impact. Additionally I virtually visit the teachers classrooms and observe the lesson two teachers teaching and provide feedback and input as well as interact with some of the students during the lesson so that they see we all are here to support them and to let them know that we love and care about them.

What advice would you give to people during this pandemic?

For my advice for parents and guardians is to always stay informed, and not to take the word of what they heard from someone else. It is always ideal to really listen to principal’s Connect ED calls, check the schools websites, stay abreast of what is being offered, really listen to details, and not to feel guarded in asking their questions. Also, just be understanding and patient with responses that are not immediately favorable as we are all working through this process together.

The second thing I would share is for parents and guardians to make sure that they know what’s expected if they are sending their children back to school as far as face masks, health and safety measures, and the cleanliness expectations of their individual schools. Parents should know how things are being handled and what they are being asked to do as we all are being held accountable.

It’s a tremendous effort but unfortunately we do have students that are not logging into the system and it’s hard for teachers to maintain a virtual presence with those children to check on them and also to make sure that they are being exposed to curriculum. I advise parents to really get to know the teachers in the schools and know what they are doing to work with students. Schools have workers to make it very easy for parents to access the different lessons and if they have a need and can’t access them for some reason, please, please call the school so that your situation can be known and the school Personnel can do what they can to try and work out some possible solutions.

There are options and students that are re-logging in and participating are learning… it’s happening in the district and we will continue to assess need to continue to find ways to support those who are having difficulty.  We also need those who are able, to ensure that students are logging in every single day because teachers are teaching, teachers are planning, and there is learning happening… we just want to make sure that we’re reaching all of our students.

I know it goes without saying that these are different times but different doesn’t have to mean impossible, there are definitely avenues and ways that we are exploring and utilizing to teach and keep students engaged. The more we work together and partner, collaborate, and communicate with each other the better things will be for these innocent children who have nothing to do with the current state of the world or the circumstances their families find themselves in during this time.

I consider it an honor to support children and partner with the amazing educators that I work with and the families we serve. I just hope and pray that we all give each other some grace and exercise patience as we continue to get better at getting better!